速報APP / 教育 / Sandymoor School App

Sandymoor School App





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Sandymoor School App(圖1)-速報App

Sandymoor School opened its doors in September 2012 to nineteen pupils. Since then it has grown exponentially and is well on the way to fulfilling our original mission statement, which states we will become “An 11-18 school producing intelligent, employable global citizens that demonstrate social competence, a desire for learning and respect for each other and the world around us. The school will be recognised for excellence in science, technology, enterprise and sport“.

We have already been recognised by Ofsted as ‘a good school with outstanding leadership’ in 2014 and we continue to develop our provision to be the best it can be. This translates into our shared vision of educational excellence for all. We challenge everyone (pupils, staff, governors) to strive to be better at what they do continuously.

Whilst we are a young school we are incredibly strong in terms of aspiration and pastoral support. Our school community is welcoming and accepting; democracy is practiced at all levels and championed by our leadership team and school council. Everyone has a voice that is recognised and we work together to become greater.

Sandymoor School App(圖2)-速報App

We place great value on pupil and parent voice and we all work together to ensure we personalise our provision for every child, looking to understand their strengths and dreams for the future. Sandymoor School’s staff work to unlock an individual’s potential and give them the opportunity to discover hidden strengths and talents they never knew they had.

Every individual has the power to become anything they choose to be, given enough time and effort. I realise there are limitations, such as we all cannot be a world record holder for the 100 metres but I do believe that whatever a young person’s dream is, as a school we should do all we can to enable a child to grow into an adult who is able to sustain a career linked with that field and give them the opportunity to find a path that excites and interests them just as much.

What makes us different is that we are building the whole child and developing their ability to identify and secure the future they want in whatever form it may take. Everyone has the right to an education that opens doors and removes barriers. This is my version of personalisation, in that as a school we know our pupils inside and out. All staff are able to answer the questions about each child, such as “what are their dreams? Their strengths? What do they need to get them there? How can we help them to get there themselves?”

Sandymoor School App(圖3)-速報App

Sandymoor School was created by parents to ensure that their children get the best quality education. There is a special investment by the community in the school to ensure that we give our children the best start to their future. We have high expectations to ensure that we do not let down the parents who have put their faith in us to secure their child’s future and serve their needs fully.

Sandymoor School App(圖4)-速報App